INTL2B - bilinear interpolation of a 2-D array of bytes intl2b bilinear interpolation of a 2-D array of bytes Function Prototype: void intl2b (int nxin, float dxin, float fxin, int nyin, float dyin, float fyin, unsigned char *zin, int nxout, float dxout, float fxout, int nyout, float dyout, float fyout, unsigned char *zout); Input: nxin number of x samples input (fast dimension of zin) dxin x sampling interval input fxin first x sample input nyin number of y samples input (slow dimension of zin) dyin y sampling interval input fyin first y sample input zin array[nyin][nxin] of input samples (see notes) nxout number of x samples output (fast dimension of zout) dxout x sampling interval output fxout first x sample output nyout number of y samples output (slow dimension of zout) dyout y sampling interval output fyout first y sample output Output: zout array[nyout][nxout] of output samples (see notes) Notes: The arrays zin and zout must passed as pointers to the first element of a two-dimensional contiguous array of unsigned char values. Constant extrapolation of zin is used to compute zout for output x and y outside the range of input x and y. For efficiency, this function builds a table of interpolation coefficents pre-multiplied by byte values. To keep the table reasonably small, the interpolation does not distinguish between x and y values that differ by less than dxin/ICMAX and dyin/ICMAX, respectively, where ICMAX is a parameter defined above. Author: Dave Hale, Colorado School of Mines, c. 1989-1991.