FTNUNSTRIP - convert C binary floats to Fortran style floats ftnunstrip stdout Required parameters: none Optional parameters: n1=1 floats per line in output file outpar=/dev/tty output parameter file, contains the number of lines (n=) other choices for outpar are: /dev/tty, /dev/stderr, or a name of a disk file Notes: This program assumes that the record length is constant throughout the input and output files. In fortran code reading these floats, the following implied do loop syntax would be used: DO i=1,n2 READ (10) (someARRAY(j), j=1,n1) END DO Here n1 is the number of samples per record, n2 is the number of records, 10 is some default file (fort.10, for example), and someArray(j) is an array dimensioned to size n1 Credits: CWP: John Stockwell, Feb 1998, based on ftnstrip by: Jack K. Cohen