My evaluation of some Canon cameras

I have had my Canon ZR-40 digital video camcorder for two months and I am generally pleased by it. I do have two "user interface" complaints.

Canon camcorder ZR-40 controls suck

The on-off switch is hard to operate. Not only for me, but for everyone who tries it. Not only is it hard to turn on, but turning it off requires some attention too. This morning I see that last night I didn't turn it off properly. Now my battery will not charge. So I'll need to purchase a new battery. (I don't expect this to be cheap.)

The record/standby indicator is not very evident either. It is very easy to press too lightly on the button and find that you never turned it off.

They should make the controls work like a chain saw. When you set the thing down it turns itself off, (unless you override the auto shutdown). When you pick it up and squeeze it, it should record. You shouldn't need to be able to hear tiny beeps or read tiny words on the screen when all hell is breaking loose in the world you are trying to capture.

Compare Canon camera S200, S400, G5

We compared some Canon cameras. Overall we concluded that the S200 has inadequate flash.