The 6th Annual (Fourth semi-annual) Ninety-Nine Bottles Challenge
Start : 930h Saturday, April 12th, 2008
Finish: 1700h Sunday, April 13th, 2008

The Route and Expectations

What could be more ideal than spending a few days in the hills with a couple of good friends communing with nature? That's why YOU have to take up the 99 Bottles Challenge!

    The idea is simple...
  • Get up Saturday morning and ride a bike from Stanford to Santa Cruz
  • Drink until you're tight at 99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall
  • Late night consumption at the Santa Cruz Diner
  • Early Sunday get on your bike, redecorate all over the PCH, and ride your bike home.

Don't fret! Experienced volunteer support staff will be following in the ambulatory triage vehicle!

    Contact Information:
  • Jeff Shragge: jeff 'at'
  • Ben Witten: ben 'at'
  • or R.S.V.P. at Maddux: (650) 796-2088

Where you will be spending your evening

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