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The file head

A web page's TITLE is usually used as the name in book-marks: we suggest choosing a short descriptive term. Note that this title is distinct from the first headline in the body of a page. Netscape displays the title in the window's title-bar.

Just having a web page is not sufficient for attracting a wide readership. To be highly visible on the web, a author needs to attract the attention of web search engines: crawlers, robots, worms, and spiders. Unfortunately, there are hardly any established rules on how to communicate with web engines.

The official HTML feature for communicating keywords to a search engine is the META element and its CONTENTS list. Unfortunately, we do not know how to define phrases in the CONTENTS list; consequently, many spectroscopists and ornithologists may be misled by the content list ``Kirchhoff Migration''.

Additionally, many search engines scan a page for keywords. Therefore, some sites include a keyword list at the bottom of their page. We decided against such a list since it possibly distracts the reader, increases the pages volume, and is utterly inelegant. Finally, web pages can be registered in many search engines simultaneously by using the service at

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Stanford Exploration Project