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A script may create the Java applet that displays the result figure and implements the three basic reproducibility commands for a result figure. As stated above, the applet downloads, processes, and displays data files.

The code for downloading and displaying a data file is independent of the particular result file. The result file name and the figure size can be extracted from the plot macro of the LATEXdocument.

The applet's Info method The script can probably extract the author's name and email from the LATEXdocument. The author may have to supply the software home page. The script would be able to state the figures reproducibility from its classification as non-reproducible, conditionally-reproducible, and easily reproducible that SEP makefiles include.

The application specific command invocations that generate the result file from an unknown list of input files pose the central difficulty in the generation of reproducible Internet documents. These commands depend on the specific application and we can assume little about their specific form. Traditionally, I stated these commands in a makefile rule for each result. There are several potential mechanism to make these commands available to an applet.

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Stanford Exploration Project