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public class ParaKeeper
extends Object

Constructor Index

 o ParaKeeper()

Method Index

 o containsKey(String)
 o equals(ParaKeeper)
 o getBoolean(String)
 o getBoolean(String, String)
 o getDim()
 o getDouble(String)
 o getDouble(String, String)
 o getFloat(String)
 o getFloat(String, String)
 o getInt(String)
 o getInt(String, String)
 o getNSamples()
 o getString(String)
 o getString(String, String)
 o in()
Imitate the SEP In program.
 o read(InputStream)
Bug: ParaKeeper computes total nSample: number maybe too big! should read dim and series of n1,n2,n3 ...
 o remove(String)
 o set(String, boolean)
 o set(String, double)
 o set(String, float)
 o set(String, int)
 o set(String, String)
 o toString()
Returns a string representation of the object.
 o write(PrintStream)


 o ParaKeeper
 public ParaKeeper()


 o read
 public void read(InputStream istr) throws IOException
Bug: ParaKeeper computes total nSample: number maybe too big! should read dim and series of n1,n2,n3 ... later! Should check for a end of file and then return the InputStream.

 o write
 public void write(PrintStream pout) throws IOException
 o getNSamples
 public int[] getNSamples()
 o getDim
 public int getDim()
 o in
 public void in()
Imitate the SEP In program. should take a PrintStream as argument. This will probably move to

 o toString
 public String toString()
Returns a string representation of the object.

toString in class Object
 o equals
 public boolean equals(ParaKeeper para)
 o set
 public void set(String paraName,
                 String paraValue)
 o set
 public void set(String paraName,
                 int paraValue)
 o set
 public void set(String paraName,
                 float paraValue)
 o set
 public void set(String paraName,
                 double paraValue)
 o set
 public void set(String paraName,
                 boolean paraValue)
 o containsKey
 public boolean containsKey(String paraName)
 o getString
 public String getString(String paraName)
 o getInt
 public int getInt(String paraName)
 o getFloat
 public float getFloat(String paraName)
 o getDouble
 public double getDouble(String paraName)
 o getBoolean
 public boolean getBoolean(String paraName)
 o getString
 public String getString(String paraName,
                         String deflt)
 o getInt
 public int getInt(String paraName,
                   String deflt)
 o getFloat
 public float getFloat(String paraName,
                       String deflt)
 o getDouble
 public double getDouble(String paraName,
                         String deflt)
 o getBoolean
 public boolean getBoolean(String paraName,
                           String deflt)
 o remove
 public void remove(String paraName)

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