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Class rsf.operator.Spike


public class Spike
extends SepOperator
This class generates a synthetic Rsf.

This is rather trivial.

Constructor Index

 o Spike(RsfSpace)

Method Index

 o copy()
 o main(String[])
Specify the output data set:
 o setMagnitude(float)
 o setOutputFilter(Rsf)
 o setSpike(int[])


 o Spike
 public Spike(RsfSpace domAndRange)


 o copy
 public JamObject copy()
copy in class SepOperator
 o setSpike
 public void setSpike(int coords[])
 o setMagnitude
 public void setMagnitude(float magnitude)
 o setOutputFilter
 public void setOutputFilter(Rsf outputFilter)
 o main
 public static void main(String args[])
Specify the output data set:

nsamples=n0,n1,n2,.. - where ni are Strings that convert to integers. For example nsamples=100,20,10. The number of integers defines the physical dimension. The integer values specify the axis' number of samples. Default values for axis members delta, offset, unit,lable.
axis1=n,delta,offset,unit,label - where String n converts to integer, String delta converts to float, String offset converts to float, String unit and lable stay Strings. For example axis1=101,0.04f,0.01f,time,sec. The number of axis statements (axis1={..}, axis2={..}, .., axisN={..}) specifies the physical dimensioin. Specify the spike location and magnitude:
spike1=n0,n1,n2 - for example spike1=2,3,4,55.5f specifies the spike coordinates as i0=2, i1=3, i3=4 and amplitude as 55.5f. The number of coordinates have to agree with space dimensions.
int[] - spike2=int n3,int n2,int n1 Same as above but the amplitude is defaulted to 1.f.
mag1=magnitude - specifies the magnitude. Default magnitude=1. Several spike and mag pairs can be set with increasing numbering: spike1={..} spike2={..} ... k1=amp1 k2=amp2 ...

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