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Class nstat.patch.PatchPullOp


public class PatchPullOp
extends SepOperator
This operator breaks an output quilt into patches, computes corresponding input patches, images these input patches with stationary operators, and merges the image patches into the image quilt.

See Also:
PatcherFactory, PatchPushPullTest, PatchPush

Constructor Index

 o PatchPullOp(RsfSpace, float, int[], OperatorFactory)
 o PatchPullOp(RsfSpace, RsfSpace, float[], int[], OperatorFactory)

Method Index

 o apply(boolean, Vector, Vector)
Apply the operator:

ran = this(dom)
 o copy()


 o PatchPullOp
 public PatchPullOp(RsfSpace range,
                    float overlap,
                    int patchsize[],
                    OperatorFactory opFac)
range - output quilt space
overlap - desired overlap
opFac - constructs the stationary operator for given patch space.
 o PatchPullOp
 public PatchPullOp(RsfSpace domain,
                    RsfSpace range,
                    float overlap[],
                    int patchsize[],
                    OperatorFactory opFac)


 o apply
 public void apply(boolean add,
                   Vector iput,
                   Vector oput)
Apply the operator:

ran = this(dom)

apply in class SepOperator
 o copy
 public JamObject copy()
copy in class SepOperator

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