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Class juice.operator.BlockOp


public class BlockOp
extends Object
implements BlockOperator

Variable Index

 o domain
 o nCols
 o nRows
 o opList
 o range

Constructor Index

 o BlockOp(int, int)
 o BlockOp(Space, int, Space, int)
 o BlockOp(Space, Space)
This constructor assumes that if the domain or range is a ProductSpace, then the number of columns or rows, respectively, equals the number of sub-spaces in the product space.
Therefore, if the domain/range is a ProductSpace, but you want the BlockOp to have only one column/row, respectively, you SHOULD NOT USE THIS CONSTRUCTOR, since it will make the number of columns/rows equal to the number of sub-spaces in the product-space.

Method Index

 o addImage(Vector, Vector)
 o copy()
 o elements()
 o getDomain()
 o getOp(int, int)
 o getRange()
 o image(Vector)
 o image(Vector, Vector)
 o nCols()
 o nRows()
 o residual(Vector, Vector, Vector)
 o setOp(int, int, Operator)
 o size()
 o toString()
Returns a string representation of the object.


 o opList
 protected OpList opList
 o nRows
 protected int nRows
 o nCols
 protected int nCols
 o range
 protected Space range
 o domain
 protected Space domain


 o BlockOp
 public BlockOp(Space domain,
                int nCols,
                Space range,
                int nRows)
 o BlockOp
 public BlockOp(int nRows,
                int nCols)
 o BlockOp
 public BlockOp(Space domain,
                Space range)
This constructor assumes that if the domain or range is a ProductSpace, then the number of columns or rows, respectively, equals the number of sub-spaces in the product space.
Therefore, if the domain/range is a ProductSpace, but you want the BlockOp to have only one column/row, respectively, you SHOULD NOT USE THIS CONSTRUCTOR, since it will make the number of columns/rows equal to the number of sub-spaces in the product-space.


 o setOp
 public void setOp(int i,
                   int j,
                   Operator op)
 o getOp
 public Operator getOp(int i,
                       int j)
 o nRows
 public int nRows()
 o nCols
 public int nCols()
 o size
 public int size()
 o elements
 public Enumeration elements()
 o getDomain
 public Space getDomain()
 o getRange
 public Space getRange()
 o image
 public Vector image(Vector d)
 o image
 public void image(Vector d,
                   Vector r)
 o addImage
 public void addImage(Vector d,
                      Vector r)
 o residual
 public void residual(Vector d,
                      Vector b,
                      Vector r)
 o toString
 public String toString()
Returns a string representation of the object.

toString in class Object
 o copy
 public JamObject copy()

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