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Class ij.Info


public class Info
extends Object
This class contains static methods for displaying messages in the Image/J window and in dialog boxes.

Variable Index

 o debugMode

Constructor Index

 o Info()

Method Index

 o d2s(double)
Converts a number to a formatted string.
 o error(String)
Displays a message in a dialog box titled "Error".
 o freeMemory()
 o getImageJ()
Returns a reference to the "Image/J" frame.
 o getNumber(String, double)
Allows the user to enter a number in a dialog box.
 o getString(String, String)
Allows the user to enter a string in a dialog box.
 o init(ImageJ)
 o noImage()
Displays a "no images are open" dialog box.
 o outOfMemory(String)
Displays an "out of memory" message in the Image/J window.
 o showMessage(String)
Displays a message in a dialog box titled "Message".
 o showMessage(String, String)
Displays a message in a dialog box with the specified title.
 o showMessageWithCancel(String, String)
Displays a message in a dialog box with the specified title.
 o showProgress(double)
Updates the progress bar.
 o showStatus(String)
Displays a message in the Image/J status bar.
 o showTime(ImagePlus, long, String)
 o wait(int)
Delays 'msecs' milliseconds.
 o write(String)
Displays a message in the Image/J window.


 o debugMode
 public static boolean debugMode
 public static final int CANCELED


 o Info
 public Info()


 o init
 public static void init(ImageJ imagej)
 o getImageJ
 public static ImageJ getImageJ()
Returns a reference to the "Image/J" frame.

 o showStatus
 public static void showStatus(String s)
Displays a message in the Image/J status bar.

 o write
 public static void write(String s)
Displays a message in the Image/J window.

 o noImage
 public static void noImage()
Displays a "no images are open" dialog box.

 o outOfMemory
 public static void outOfMemory(String name)
Displays an "out of memory" message in the Image/J window.

 o showProgress
 public static void showProgress(double progress)
Updates the progress bar.

 o showMessage
 public static void showMessage(String title,
                                String msg)
Displays a message in a dialog box with the specified title.

 o showMessage
 public static void showMessage(String msg)
Displays a message in a dialog box titled "Message".

 o error
 public static void error(String msg)
Displays a message in a dialog box titled "Error".

 o showMessageWithCancel
 public static boolean showMessageWithCancel(String title,
                                             String msg)
Displays a message in a dialog box with the specified title. Returns false if the user pressed "Cancel".

 o getNumber
 public static double getNumber(String prompt,
                                double defaultNumber)
Allows the user to enter a number in a dialog box. Returns the value Info.CANCELED (-2,147,483,648) if the user cancels the dialog box

 o getString
 public static String getString(String prompt,
                                String defaultString)
Allows the user to enter a string in a dialog box. Returns "" if the user cancels the dialog box.

 o wait
 public static void wait(int msecs)
Delays 'msecs' milliseconds.

 o freeMemory
 public static String freeMemory()
 o showTime
 public static void showTime(ImagePlus imp,
                             long start,
                             String str)
 o d2s
 public static String d2s(double n)
Converts a number to a formatted string.

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