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Class cohy.estDip.CohEstimator


public class CohEstimator
extends SepOperator
THIS NEEDS A MUCH BETTER DOCUMENTATION. FACTS. Estimates the coherency of a plane-wave component in a data. A dip estimation (should be argument?) defines the plane wave. Computes the ability of the plane-wave to "explain" the data. Returns a Rsf vector of coherency values.
2-D: single coherency component.
3-D: 2 components. First is coherency in x, second in y direction.

Variable Index

 o CX
indices that identify the coherency direction in output array.
 o CY

Constructor Index

 o CohEstimator(CohEstimator)
 o CohEstimator(RsfSpace)
 o CohEstimator(RsfSpace, RsfSpace)

Method Index

 o apply(boolean, Vector, Vector)
Apply the operator:

ran = this(dom)
 o copy()
 o getOutputRsfSpace(RsfSpace)
I should probably call this createRange().


 o CX
 public static final int CX
indices that identify the coherency direction in output array.

 o CY
 public static final int CY


 o CohEstimator
 public CohEstimator(RsfSpace iputSpace)
 o CohEstimator
 public CohEstimator(RsfSpace iputSpace,
                     RsfSpace oputSpace)
 o CohEstimator
 protected CohEstimator(CohEstimator src)


 o copy
 public JamObject copy()
copy in class SepOperator
 o getOutputRsfSpace
 public static RsfSpace getOutputRsfSpace(RsfSpace iputSpace)
I should probably call this createRange().

 o apply
 protected void apply(boolean add,
                      Vector iput,
                      Vector oput)
Apply the operator:

ran = this(dom)

apply in class SepOperator

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