I visited Bill Symes today to learn how to make these beautiful posters. At Trip they use framemaker to put the poster together. They write their text directly in framemaker and import graphics as needed. Then they safe the document as a encapsulated postscript and send it to their plotter. Problem: Framemaker seems to be a pain (Bill and I could not make it behave today) and I wanted to use TeX and all the stuff we are used to. Here is what I did: I created a LaTeX style file, poster.sty. The style file places your text into a single, well-proportioned column. (You can see the file below). it is a copy of Jon's slide style file, jslide.sty, without textheight restriction. To have a single source file to have poster and slides, you only need to comment out the newpage command in your tex files. Slides and posters have much in common and I intend to make both outputs from the same input in the future. A simple makefile change from LATOPTS=poster to LATOPTS=jslide will make slides from the same TeX source file. SEP's LaTeX works like a charm. To place the columns next to each other and to enlarge them, I used a program pstops that is available on SEP's Linux machines and on Trip's SUNs. For a 8 page document to make 2 pages with 4 subpages in column order:
  1 3      5 6
  2 4      7 8 
you invoke pstops as
  pstops "4:0(0.in,0.in)+1(5.in,0.in)+2(10.in,0.in)+3(15.in,0.in)" -h10.in -w20.in in.ps out.ps
To scale by two and to double the size of the output: possibly scale by two and choose double the size of the output. (Not sure if you need to multiply bounding box by xval=612*4*2 yval=792*2)
  pstops "4:0@2(0.in,0.in)+1@2(10.in,0.in)+2@2(20.in,0.in)+3@2(30.in,0.in)" -h20.in -w40.in in.ps out.ps
Afterwards you may have to change the bounding box information. The standard US letter bounding box is 0 0 612 792. For the example above you may have to change it to 0 0 1224 3168 where xval=612*2*2 and yval=792*2*2 (2 for resize, 2 for two pages next to each other). You can view your result using ghostview. You have to change the ghostview Media setting to Ledger (see menu on the left) to see as much of your poster as possible. I bet there is a ghostview setting that lets you scroll over your entire poster but I do not know what it is. Finally, you can send your ouput to the plotter with a simple lpr -Pplottername out.ps. Related programs (See man pages): dvips -E creates encapsulated postsrcipt from TeX document. epsffit fits bounding box to ps image. psnup splits pages into single pages. psselect selects individual postscript pages from multi-page document. psresize resize document (Alternatively, you can put simply a a postscript scale command at the first line of your file. 2 2 scale doubles the size in x and y direction.

Poster Latex style file

1252 konocti> more /usr/local/share/TEX/teTeX/texmf/tex/latex/sepusers/matt/mposter.sty \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} \ProvidesPackage{mposter}[1998/02/25 v0.1 variation of jonslide in LaTeX2e] \pagestyle{plain} \thispagestyle{plain} \setlength{\textwidth}{4in} %\setlength{\textheight}{5.5in} \setlength{\topmargin}{0in} \setlength{\headheight}{0in} \setlength{\headsep}{0in} \setlength{\topskip}{0in} \setlength{\footskip}{0in}