Usage: all text included in between % \comment ... \endcomment % or \begin{comment} ... \end{comment} % is discarded. The closing command should appear on a line % of its own. No starting spaces, nothing after it. % This environment should work with arbitrary amounts % of comment. % % Other 'comment' environments are defined by % and are selected/deselected with % \includecomment{versiona} % \excludecoment{versionb} % % These environments are used as % \versiona ... \endversiona % or \begin{versiona} ... \end{versiona} % with the closing command again on a line of its own. % % Basic approach: % to comment something out, scoop up every line in verbatim mode % as macro argument, then throw it away. % For inclusions, both the opening and closing comands % are defined as noop