Our Apache web server allows any user to protect his www files and directories by a password mechanism. He can do this without any help from system or www administrators. I will describe the simplest mechanism that I used to protect my address file so that it is available to me through any web browser; but not to anyone else. 1) create a file that stores your user id and password (this file should not be available on the web, but has to be available to the web browser. I chose a directory in my home directory, which works since we mount our home directories on our web server, Pele) Pele> mkdir ~/.httpd Pele> htpasswd -c /homes/sep/matt/.httpd/users matt Adding password for matt. New password: Re-type new password: Pele> more /homes/sep/matt/.httpd/users matt:1T8GNGd.IMiqs 2) create an .htaccess file in the directory that you want to protect. Kana> more /sepwww/pub/sep/matt/lukas/.htaccess AuthName "Matt's private files" AuthType Basic AuthUserFile /homes/sep/matt/.httpd/users require valid-user This file is read by the Apache web server when anyone attempts to access the directory (/sepwww/pub/sep/matt/lukas). The file specifies that only "valid users" listed in the file /homes/sep/matt/.httpd/users are welcome. To validate that you are listed, you will have to enter an appropiate user id and password/ That's it! Go try http://sepwww.stanford.edu/sep/matt/lukas My current user ID is "matt" and my current password is "matt". That will change soon though. Why do I care? The world is my oister: and I want to make my home directory available on the www. But certain files will be restricted to select people.