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Prestack Kirchhoff migration using first arrival traveltimes has been shown to fail in areas of complex structure. I propose a new method for calculating traveltimes that estimates the traveltime of the maximum energy arrival, rather than the first arrival.

The method estimates a traveltime that is valid in the seismic frequency band, not the usual high frequency approximation. Instead of solving the eikonal equation for the traveltime, I solve the Helmholtz equation to estimate the wavefield for a few frequencies. I then perform a parametric fit to the wavefield to estimate a traveltime, amplitude, and phase.

The images created by using these parameters are shown to be superior to those created by using first arrival traveltimes, or those created by using maximum amplitude traveltimes calculated by paraxial ray tracing.

© 1994 Copyright by Dave Nichols

Fri Feb 3 01:19:43 PST 1995