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Data access

In the sep module, all data I/O is concentrated in two subroutines: sep_read sep_read reading data and sep_write sep_read writing data. In the simplest case, you just need to allocate an array of proper type, shape, and dimensions, and then use
call sep_read (array)
call sep_write (array)
 Here array can be one-, two- or three-dimensional, and belong to real or complex type. Internally, the proper number of binary bites is calculated with the Fortran-90 size function. By default, sep_read reads from SEPlib's standard input, and sep_write writes to SEPlib's standard output. To use a different file, just add an optional argument:
call sep_read (array,"velocity")
call sep_write (array,"velocity")

If you return now to program Clip [*], you should be able to understand all parts of it. A brief index of functions and subroutines is enclosed at the end of the paper.

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Stanford Exploration Project