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Figure 5
Results of 3-D implicit depth migration with the helical coordinate system: depth-slice at Z=0.25 km (top), and cross-section at Y=0.375 km (bottom).
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Kirchhoff imaging beyond aliasing

Biondo L. Biondi


I present a method for anti-aliasing Kirchhoff imaging operators that improves the resolution of the image by properly imaging aliased components of the recorded data that would be suppressed by standard anti-aliasing methods for Kirchhoff operators. The proposed method succeeds in imaging ``beyond aliasing'' without generating aliasing noise because it exploits a priori knowledge on the dip-spectrum of the data. Therefore, the proposed method is not of general applicability but it successfully improves the image resolution when a priori assumptions on the dip-spectrum of the data are realistic. The imaging of a salt-dome flanks in the Gulf of Mexico has been enhanced by the application of the proposed method.

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Stanford Exploration Project