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Stationary phase approximation

Downward continuation using the DSR equation for a separate constant-offset section requires the computation of the integral in equation (14). This can be done for a single offset by finding a stationary phase approximation to the integral  
I= \int dk_h \; e^{i \omega [p_{\tau}(p_x,p_h)\tau+ 2 p_h h]}.\end{displaymath} (20)
Integrals of the form

I(k)=\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} e^{ik\phi(t)}f(t)\; dt\end{displaymath}

are approximated asymptotically (Zauderer, 1989) when $k \rightarrow \infty$ by  
I(k) \approx e^{ik\phi (t_0)} f(t_0) 
e^{{\rm sign} (\phi''(...
 ...t[{{2\pi} \over {k \mid \phi''(t_0) \mid }} \right]^{1 \over 2}\end{displaymath} (21)
where t0 is the ``stationary point'' in which the derivative of the phase is zero. The approximation described here assumes the second derivative is non-zero, which is the case here, as Popovici (1993) has demonstrated.

The phase of the exponential for homogeneous isotropic media is
\phi(p_h)= 0.5 \tau \left[ \;
\sqrt{1.0 - v^2 (p_x+p_h)^2}+
\sqrt{1.0 - v^2 (p_x-p_h)^2} \; \right] + 2 p_h h.\end{displaymath} (22)
In order to evaluate the stationary point, we need to find the roots of the equation
\phi ' (p_h)=
X + 0.5 \tau \left[ {{p_h+p_x} \over 
{{p_h-p_x} \over 
{\sqrt{1.0-v^2(p_x-p_h)^2}}} \right].\end{displaymath} (23)
To find the root we need to solve a sixth-order polynomial. Approximate solutions are presented in Appendix B.

The second derivative of the phase is non-zero, because it consists of the sum of four positive terms (Popovici, 1993):
\phi '' (p_h) & = & \left.
{0.5 \over {\...
v^2(p_x+p_h)^2} \right ]^{3 \over 2}}} \right. .\end{array}\end{displaymath} (24)
This ensures that there is no change in curvature, and that the phase always has a maximum or a minimum and, therefore, a stationary point. Indeed, for a fixed pair of values $\omega,p_x$, Figure A-1 shows the phase function for several depth levels.

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