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Seismic image volumes are non-stationary. To estimate reasonable PE filters, I break the input image into small local volumes that are approximately stationary. After computing a coherency image using the method described above, I merge the local volumes to a single coherency image. Claerbout Claerbout (1994) implemented a method to split and merge a data volume into small local image volumes (patches).

To process an image volume, I split it into small local volumes, subvolumes. I then filter each subvolume individually and merge the resulting subvolumes back into a single output image volume. The split into individual subvolumes ensures that the local signal is approximately stationary and the filter step is optimal.

Figure 1 illustrates the data flow. The input data at the upper left hand is split into individual subvolumes (shaded rectangle). Next we find an optimal 1-D filter for each subvolume (symbolized by the elliptic symbol). The filtered subvolume is merged to the intermediate pre-whitened image volume at the top center of the flow chart.

Next we split the pre-whitened image into subvolumes (not necessarily of the same size as in the first filter step). We find the set of three 2-D filters as described in the companion paper Schwab (1997). The filter step yields three output images, which I discard.

The three PE filters are used to filter a corresponding subvolume of the original data, indicated by the elliptical operation symbol in the lower right corner of the diagram. This final filter step yields a single image output volume (shown at the bottom right) since it comprises a forward and adjoint filtering step.

Figure 1
The diagram displays the processing flow to compute a coherency attribute. The process uses a two step PEF approach: the first PEF filter hides events from the second PEF filter. The second PEF filter ultimately applied to the original data will only remove predictable events that existed in the pre-filtered data set it was trained on.


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Stanford Exploration Project