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Short Note
SEP documents and software on the web

Matthias Schwab and Joel Schroeder

matt@sep.stanford.edu, schroeder@alumni.stanford.org

The SEP web site offers SEP reports 70 through 91 to our sponsors. Furthermore, it presents older reports and Jon Claerbout's books to the general public. Claerbout's books and the most recent reports are offered in a simple, albeit powerful format: table-of-contents pages present a short summary of each chapter, a hyperlink to the Postscript version of the paper, and another hyperlink to a tar file that contains the author's entire source directory. In principle, such a source directory enables the reader to recompute effortlessly the author's results, if the reader has a basic set of SEP tools.

SEP also offers all of its software tools on its web pages. These tools include the basic set necessary to reproduce SEP documents. For each package, a short HTML page describes its purpose, installation, and usage. Conceptually, the SEP document and tool pages export the entire SEP software environment to our sponsors and (with the exception of the recent reports) to the rest of the world.

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