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I have six simultaneous equations in four unknowns (similar to the cgmeth() test in PVI).
# matrix multiply and its adjoint
subroutine matmul( adj, bb,        nx,x,  ny,y)
integer ix, iy,    adj,            nx,    ny
real                    bb(ny,nx), x(nx), y(ny)
call adjnull(      adj, 0,         x,nx,  y,ny)
do ix= 1, nx {
do iy= 1, ny {
	if( adj == 0 )
			y(iy) = y(iy) + bb(iy,ix) * x(ix)
			x(ix) = x(ix) + bb(iy,ix) * y(iy)
return; end

I have a routine to set a clip level and clip the residual.

subroutine hclip(  nr, kwant, rr, cr)
integer	i,   iter, nr, kwant
real				   rr(nr), cr(nr), huber, cutoff
common huber, cutoff, iter
#if( iter < 10)
	call quantabs( kwant,nr,rr, cutoff)
do i= 1, nr
	if(      rr(i) >  cutoff ) { cr(i) =  cutoff }
	else if( rr(i) < -cutoff ) { cr(i) = -cutoff }
	else 			   { cr(i) =  rr(i) }
return; end

From the equations defining the plane search, we recognize the general steps required to convert the usual conjugate-direction solver to a robust one using Huber functions. First, the gradient $\bold g=\bold F'{\rm clip}(\bold R)$suggests a direction $\Delta \bold m = \bold g$to move the model. Moving in this direction would cause a residual change of $\Delta\bold R=\bold G=\bold F\Delta\bold m=\bold F\bold F'{\rm clip}(\bold R)$.$\bold S$ is the residual change on the previous iteration. So far, everything is like the usual conjugate-direction method except that the residual $\bold R$ is clipped.

# Conjugate direction descent, minimize  SUM Huber(rr(i))
#            nx
# rr(i)  =  sum aaa(i,j) * x(j)  - yy(i)
#           j=1
subroutine cgmeth( nx,x, nr,yy,rr, aaa, niter, kwant)
integer i, iter,   nx,   nr,            niter, kwant
real	x(nx), yy(nr), rr(nr), aaa(nr,nx), cutoff, huber
common huber, cutoff, iter
temporary real dx(nx), sx(nx), dr(nr), sr(nr),cr(nr)
do i= 1, nx
	x(i) = 0.
do i= 1, nr
	rr(i) = - yy(i)
do iter= 0, niter {
	call hclip( nr, kwant, rr, cr)
	call matmul( 1, aaa, nx,dx, nr,cr)		# dx = A' clip(r)
	call matmul( 0, aaa, nx,dx, nr,dr)		# dr = A dx
	call cdhuber( iter, nx, x,dx,sx,
	                    nr,rr,dr,sr,cr)      	# x=x+s; rr=rr+ss
return; end

The routine work that needs to be done inside each step of any Huberized conjugate direction method is to compute $\alpha$ and $\beta$and apply them. This is nothing but our traditional cgplus() subroutine with the new equation (8). Starting from the old subroutine cgplus() we make a new subroutine cdhuber() modifying the old in two places: (1) use the clipped residual to determine the distance, and (2) omit clipped terms from entering the matrix multiplying the vector of $(\alpha,\beta)$.

# A step of conjugate-gradient descent.
subroutine cdhuber( iter,   n, x, g, s,   m, rr, gg, ss, cc)
integer i,          iter,   n,            m
real	x(n), rr(m), g(n), gg(m), s(n), ss(m), cc(m), huber, cutoff
double precision wdot, ddot, sds, gdg, gds, determ, gdr, sdr, alfa, beta
common huber, cutoff		# for printouts
temporary real ww(m)
huber = 0.
do i=1,m
	if( rr(i)==cc(i))
		{ ww(i) = 1.; huber= huber + rr(i)*rr(i)/2.              }
		{ ww(i) = 0.; huber= huber + rr(i)*cc(i) - cc(i)*cc(i)/2 }
if( iter < 1 ) {		# steepest descent on first iteration.
	do i= 1, n
		s(i) = 0.
	do i= 1, m
		ss(i) = 0.
	if( wdot(m,ww,gg,gg)==0 )   call erexit('cdhuber: first grad vanishes ')
	alfa =  - ddot(m,gg,cc) / wdot(m,ww,gg,gg)
	beta = 0.
else {				# search plane by solving 2-by-2
	gdg = wdot(m,ww,gg,gg)	#  G . (R + G*alfa + S*beta) = 0
	sds = wdot(m,ww,ss,ss)	#  S . (R + G*alfa + S*beta) = 0
	gds = wdot(m,ww,gg,ss)
	if     ( gdg == 0.) {call seperr('cdhuber: grad vanishes'); return}
	else if( sds == 0.) { alfa= - ddot(m,gg,cc) / wdot(m,ww,gg,gg); beta=0.}
	else { determ = gdg * sds * dmax1( 1.d0 - (gds/gdg)*(gds/sds), 1.0d-12 )
		gdr = - ddot(m,gg,cc)
		sdr = - ddot(m,ss,cc)
		alfa = ( sds * gdr - gds * sdr ) / determ
		beta = (-gds * gdr + gdg * sdr ) / determ
do i= 1, n					# s = model step
	    s(i)  = alfa * g(i)  + beta * s(i)
do i= 1, m					# ss = conjugate 
	    ss(i) = alfa * gg(i) + beta * ss(i)
do i= 1, n					# update solution
	    x(i)  =  x(i) +  s(i)
do i= 1, m					# update residual
	    rr(i) = rr(i) + ss(i)
return; end

double precision function wdot( n, w, x, y ) integer i, n; real w(n), x(n), y(n); double precision val val = 0.; do i=1,n { val = val + w(i) * x(i) * y(i) } wdot = val; return; end

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