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The forward model

After preprocessing for multiple reflections, the monochromatic 2-D forward model for a seismic shot record can be written as follows Berkhout (1985):  
{\bf g}_j(z_0) = F(z_0,z_0) {\bf s}_j(z_0)\end{displaymath} (1)
F(z_0,z_0) = \sum_{n=1}^{N} W(z_0,z_n) R(z_n) W(z_n,z_0)\end{displaymath} (2)

In equation ([*]) source vector ${\bf s}_j(z_0)$and measurement vector ${\bf g}_j(z_0)$refer to one seismic experiment at the surface z=z0 with source location at x=xj. In equation ([*]), propagation operators W(zn,z0) and W(z0,zn) quantify the full propagation effects (down and up, respectively) between depth levels z0 and zn, and reflection matrix R(zn) defines the elastic angle-dependent reflection properties caused by inhomogeneities at depth level zn. All matrices and vectors refer to one temporal Fourier component. Equations  ([*]) and  ([*]) are valid for single-component as well as for multi-component measurement of 2-D as well as 3-D data.

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Stanford Exploration Project