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Building the 3-D Grid

Once the model has been created a partition file (DDL file) must be created. The DDL file contains the definitions of the various domains (defined by their bounded surfaces) and the properties values (i.e. velocity) associated to each domain [see GOCAD model example presented in Berlioux (1993)]. The Create Grid option then allows the generation of the 3-D grid from a GOCAD model. Figure 5 shows an example of an AVS network to create a velocity grid from a GOCAD model.

Figure 5
AVS network for creating a velocity Grid from a GOCAD model.

Figure 6 shows the created surface model superimposed on the 2-D velocity and seismic data slices.

Figure 6
Geometry Viewer scene with the superimposed surfaces on the 2-D velocity and seismic data slices.

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Stanford Exploration Project