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A stationarity condition

The anti-symmetric term, ${\cal A}$, is a scalar which accounts for linear trends in the addable material constants. ${\cal A}$ can be removed from the problem by removing any such trends from $\rho$ and s without altering their sum values. With this, Equation 11 becomes
 I & 0 \cr
 0 & I
 - i \omega z
 0 &...
 ...ega^{2} z^{2}}{2}
 {\cal S} & 0 \cr
 0 & {\cal S}
 }\end{displaymath} (12)
 which can be rewritten  
 I & 0 \cr
 0 & I
 - i \omega Z
 0 &...
 <\!\rho\!\gt<\!s\!\gt & 0 \cr
 0 & <\!\rho\!\gt<\!s\!\gt 
 }\end{displaymath} (13)

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Stanford Exploration Project