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Simple interactive parameter selection

This exmaple shows how xtpanel can be used in conjunction with the cake rules for an interactive document Claerbout and Nichols (1990) to make a dull figure come alive. The default cake rules for an interactive document check for the existance of a file called name.panel, whene name is the name of a figure. If this file exists the rule will run xtpanel when the button in the caption is pressed. Figure [*] shows a single synthetic event. When the user presses the button in the caption they are asked to choose an NMO velocity to flatten the event. Here is the xtpanel file that specifies the interactive program.
button={ label=QUIT action=QUIT }

slider={ label="Select a velocity for NMO" min=1 max=5 value=2 format="%.2f" width=300 action="NMO <Dat/nmoin.H vel=$(val) | Wiggle title=""velocity=$(val)"" pclip=100 | Tube numcol=16 &" }

message={ value=" hit ""ok"" to run the program " }

Figure 3
A synthetic dataset, click on the button to choose the correct NMO velocity.
view burn build edit restore

When the user clicks on the OK button the data has NMO applied at the chosen velocity and the result is displayed on the screen. Fig [*] shows the interactive panel in use.

Figure 4
The simple velocity selection panel in use.

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Stanford Exploration Project