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SEP data cube viewer

Here we use xtpanel not to process data, but to examine, sample by sample, the values contained in a dataset. From an input three-dimensional dataset, a single plane is selected (by a slider) and then the floating point values from that plane are displayed in a two-dimensional scrollable text field.

The first script gets the file name from the user:

button={ name=QUIT action=QUIT }
dialog={ name=file value="Dat/cube.H" }
button={ label=GO 
  action="xtpanel -cpp -DFILE=$file -file viewer2.panel &" 

and then calls a second script, which displays the data:

button={ name=QUIT action=QUIT }
dialog={ name=file value="Dat/cube.H" }
button={ label=GO 
  action="xtpanel -cpp -DFILE=$file -file viewer2.panel &" 

Figure 6
A viewer to examine SEP data cubes.

Note that when the first script invokes the second, it uses the -cpp flag to pass the second script through the C preprocessor. This is one way to pass variables from one script to the next.

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Stanford Exploration Project