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I would like to acknowledge my thoroughly enjoyable ongoing research relationship with Wafik Beydoun of Elf Research, UK. Although we must communicate by email now, we still get the occasional opportunity to brainstorm together in the same room. Many such sessions have helped me to crystallize some of the theory presented in this paper. I would also like to acknowledge Professor Doug Oldenburg, my former M.Sc. advisor at the University of British Columbia. He was very supportive of this work when it was in its formative stages back then. I would like to thank Professor Albert Tarantola (University of Paris) for originally suggesting I pose true amplitude reflectivity estimation as a formal inverse problem. We had several stimulating chats about this work during his 1990 visit to UBC, by which I was profoundly influenced. Finally, I thank Jim Berryman (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) and Dave Nichols for their careful and thorough reviews of this paper. They made several suggestions which improved the content of this work.

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