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Load library path on SUN

If you are running OpenWindows or the X-windows system on a Sun workstation and get something like warning: /usr/openwin/lib/ has older revision than expected warning: /usr/openwin/lib/ has older revision than expected Undefined symbol: _XtStrings
when you try running ``Xtpen'', the culprit is your LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

This is a list of directories the computer looks through to find runtime-loaded subroutines used by the executable but not contained within it. Examine your LD_LIBRARY_PATH by doing

Assuming your LD_LIBRARY_PATH does not begin with ``:'', prepend the required X library directory to the beginning by doing


You need to do this so that certain X11 subroutines have the opportunity to be merged into the executable before older incompatible versions of the same routines (needed by OpenWindows) can force their way in. (OpenWindows programs will still work; the loader is smart enough not to attach new subroutines to an old program.)

Alternatively, ask the person who installed SEPlib at your site to relink everything using static linking. (It may also be possible for them to relink everything so that the correct load-library path for your site is automatically ``built in'' to the executables.)

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