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Getting the manual pages

If you type ``man seplib'' and get
No manual entry for seplib.
you will need to add
to your MANPATH:

setenv MANPATH $MANPATH":/sepcd2/man"

(assuming your MANPATH did not already end in a ``:''). Note the ``seplib'' man page is intended for those interested in writing their own SEPlib programs.

You may find that sometimes SEPlib man pages get ``hidden'' behind unrelated man pages that happen to have the same name. For example if you do ``man vplot'' you might see

vplot - plot graphics for a Versatec printer
This is not the man page for SEPlib's vplot. If this happens you should be able to get the right man page by being more specific, for example you could try doing ``man l vplot'' to tell man you want only the ``local'' man pages. (This exact command might not work at your particular site; it depends on where the SEPlib man pages have been installed.)

Under some flavors of UNIX the ``man'' command is buggy and gets confused by man pages with ``similar'' names. For example if you do man vplottext you may always get the vplot man page, which isn't what you asked for. (This happens with CONVEX UNIX 9.0.) If all else fails look around in the directory where the man pages live,
find the man-page source for what you want, and do something like

nroff -man vplottext.l | more
to format it. (And of course complain to the vendor!)

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