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This section concerns the implementation of a 3-D prestack time migration velocity semblance analysis on the CM. Velocity semblance panels are computed for each desired surface location. A migration divergence correction, obliquity weighting, vertical smoothing and time slice normalization are incorporated.

The algorithm accepts seismic trace data organized in any arbitrary manner. These are stored on the CM in a 2-D array: data(nt,ntrc), where nt is the number of time samples per trace, and ntrc is the number of traces from a 2-D or 3-D survey to be loaded into a data block for processing. The data array is mapped out on the CM as parallel in the surface coordinate dimension, and serial in the temporal direction: data(:serial,:news).

The output is organized into velocity semblance panels per surface location. These are stored on the CM in a 2-D array: vpanels(ntau,nvtrc), where ntau is the number of output time samples per velocity trace (usually about nt/10). The dimension nvtrc is the total number of output velocity traces, which can be expressed as nvtrc = nvnxny, where nv is the number of migration velocities per semblance panel, and nx, ny are the number of desired output velocity panels at 3-D in-line and cross-line surface locations respectively. The vpanels array is mapped out on the CM as parallel in the surface coordinate dimension, and serial in the temporal direction: vpanels(:serial,:news).

To optimize CM performance, the products ntrc and nvtrc should be equal, and a multiple of 512. As in the stacking velocity case, their equality results in a 1:1 overlap of the input and output arrays data and vpanels, which is optimal for CM processor communications, and the factor of 512 ensures compiler parallelization optimality. For the marine data example in this paper, which consisted of a series of 48-fold CMP gathers, I chose ntrc = 4832 = 1,536 input traces. In practical terms, the constraint on ntrc is determined by the output dimension length nvtrc. For the marine data, I chose nv = 48, nx = 32 (32 48-fold CMP gathers), and ny = 1 (2-D seismic data). In general, I would suggest making nvtrc as large as possible while still a multiple of 512. This involves deciding how many surface positions nx and ny at which to do a velocity analysis, and how many migration velocities nv to try at each surface position. Then I would set the number of input traces per data block equal to the total number of velocity traces: ntrc = nvtrc. Since the input seismic trace length is usually about 10 times longer than the output velocity trace length, some trade-off in total memory available has to be balanced in choosing these parameters.

Deviation from these rules of thumb can result in a significant loss of performance. For a small memory machine like our present CM-2 configuration (8k processors, 64 Mb memory), I could process the entire data set in single blocks of 6,144 arbitrarily gathered traces, at 2,000 samples per trace, by sequentially loading data blocks and iterating the velocity analysis processing sequence. This would yield an output velocity analysis at each of 128 surface positions, each semblance panel containing 48 migration velocities and 256 time samples.

The CM migration velocity analysis algorithm is based on a 3-D Kirchhoff prestack time migration algorithm previously developed for the CM (Lumley and Biondi, 1991). For each data block, the migration velocity semblance panels are computed as follows. Each input trace si is migrated into a single surface location xi at a single migration velocity vi. This step is accomplished in parallel over the trace dimension for a fixed time slice, and serially over all time slices. Once this step is complete, the output array vpanels and the velocity and output coordinate information are CSHIFTed once over the parallel dimension, a shift that is relative to the input traces. After the shift, a seismic input trace s1 that was aligned in-processor with velocity trace v1 at output surface location x1, will now be aligned in-processor with the next velocity trace v2 at the same output location x1. Similarly, a seismic input trace sn that was aligned with velocity vn at output surface location x1, will now be aligned with the first velocity v1 at the next output location x2.

This process is repeated until all traces are back in their initial configuration, which requires nh circular shifts. Again, the input data could be shifted, rather than the semblance panels, but it is quicker to shift the smaller of the two arrays to minimize interprocessor communication. Finally, an array of squared velocity migration stack energy is maintained to compute semblance, and offset weights. Divergence corrections, vertical smoothing and time-slice normalization are incorporated which complicate the simplistic description given above.

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Stanford Exploration Project