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The Fourier domain migration algorithms are easily parallelizable algorithm (after the Fourier transformation) because the computations are done a depth slice at a time, therefore naturally mapping on a parallel computer architecture. Moreover the frequency axis maps into the processor memory, allowing easy independent manipulation of each frequency. For a 3-dimensional survey, the spatial coordinates are mapped in parallel on a 2-D slice of processors, while the time dimension is mapped into the memory of each processor.

The downward extrapolation is done for each frequency independently and the imaging summation is performed inside each processor. The FFT subroutine is part of Connection Machine Scientific Software Library (CMSSL) and therefore presumably highly optimized, saving the programmer the annoyance of coding his own parallel 2-D and 3-D transforms. The code is extremely condensed, adding to the already compressed formulation of the Fortran 90 language.

A simplified version of the actual program is provided to give a flavor of the simplicity of algorithm representation. The subroutine fft_time executes a FFT over the time axis, while the subroutines fft_xy and fft_inv_xy perform forward and inverse FFTs in surface coordinates. All the variables terminated in ``CM'' are Connection Machine parallel arrays. The phase multiplication is done using the array phasorCM and the wave extrapolation field slice for different velocities is stored in the parallel array PkyzCM.

The Split-step Fourier method can be easily obtained by minimally modifying the PSPI algorithm. The difference is that the downward extrapolation is done with a single velocity and the perturbation slowness phase shift is performed after the downward extrapolation step. Computationally the major difference between PSPI and Split-step is that PSPI performs three Fourier transforms inside the frequency loop while Split-step performs only two. On the Connection Machine this is reflected accurately in the run-time ratio of the two programs. I get a ratio of 1.45 to 1 between the execution time of the kernels of the two programs (158.01 seconds for PSPI and 108.77 seconds for Split-step). Oddly enough, on the Convex I get a ratio of 7.28 to 1 between the two PSPI and Split-step methods.

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Stanford Exploration Project