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Averaging group delay

Another way to overcome the problem of phase-wrap-around is to compute the phase spectrum by integrating its derivative. The phase spectrum of a signal is related to its Fourier transform as follows:
\Phi_s(\omega) = \Im[\ln S(\omega)].\end{displaymath} (8)
Taking the derivative with respect to $\omega$ on both sides gives
{d\Phi(\omega) \over d\omega} = \Im[{S^\prime(\omega) \over S(\omega)}].\end{displaymath} (9)
If we assume $\Phi_s(0)=0$, then
\Phi_s(\omega)=\Im\int^{\omega}_0 {S^\prime(\omega) \over S(\omega)} 
d\omega.\end{displaymath} (10)
The phase spectrum computed in this way is continuous. Furthermore, it can be shown (Oppenheim and Schafer, 1975) that  
n_0={1 \over 2\pi j}\int^\pi_{-\pi}
{S^\prime(\omega) \over S(\omega)}d\omega.\end{displaymath} (11)
If we define the group delay as
n_g = {d\Phi_s(\omega) \over d\omega},\end{displaymath} (12)
then equation (11) tells us that n0 is an average group delay over frequency range $[-\pi,\pi]$.Considering the limited band width of the seismic signals and the presence of noises, we should include uneven weights in the averaging step of equation (11) as follows:  
n_0={1 \over j}\int^\pi_{-\pi} M(\omega)
{S^\prime(\omega) \over S(\omega)}d\omega,\end{displaymath} (13)
where $M(\omega)$ is a weighting function. One choice of the weighting function is

M(\omega) = \displaystyle{\vert S(e^{j\omega})\vert^\gamma \...
 ...yle{\int^\pi_{-\pi} \vert S(e^{j\omega})\vert^\gamma d\omega}}.\end{displaymath}

If $\gamma=0$, the result is the evenly weighted average of the group delay. If $\gamma=\infty$, the result is equal to the group delay of the frequency corresponding to the peak amplitude spectrum.

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Stanford Exploration Project