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The elastic wave equation for an isotropic, 2-dimensional medium has a well-known form:  
\rho \displaystyle{\partial^2 u_1 \over ...
 ...displaystyle{\partial u_1 \over \partial z})\right],\end{array}\end{displaymath} (1)
where u1 and u2 are the x- and z-components of the displacement vector, $\lambda=\lambda(x,z)$ and $\mu=\mu(x,z)$ are the elastic constants of the media, and $\rho$ is the density of the medium. Using asymptotic ray theory, we can expand the Green's function of this wave equation into a ray series at high frequencies (Cervený et al., 1977). The leading term of this ray series has two components: GP for the compressional wave (P-wave) and GS for the shear wave (S-wave):  
\ \ \ \ c=P\ \hbox{or}\ S\end{displaymath} (2)
In this equation, $\tau_c$ is the traveltime it takes for a wave to propagate from a source location (x0,z0) to an observation location (x,z). The traveltime function satisfies the eikonal equation of wave equation (1). If we assume that the medium is smoothly varying, then function Ac describes the amplitude decay of this propagation due to geometric spreading, and it satisfies the first order transport equation. Because the Green's functions for P-wave and S-wave have a common form, from now on, we drop the subscripts P and S, and make distinctions only when necessary.

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