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To derive equation (16), I take the derivative of both sides of equation (15) with respect to s and map the result to Cartesian coordinates, which yields

{\partial \eta \over \partial x}{dx \over ds}+
{\partial \et...
 ...\partial z}{dz \over ds}=
{m(x_0,z_0) \over m(x,z)}.

The ray equation (6) gives

\displaystyle{dx \over ds} & = & \displa...
 ...& \displaystyle{\tau_z(x,z) \over m(x,z)} \end{array}\eqno(B.2)\end{displaymath}

Substituting these relations from equation (B.2) into equation (B.1) and multiplying both sizes by m(x,z) yields equation (16):


When (x,z) tends to (x0,z0), s tends to s0 and $\eta$ tends to zero, which gives the initial condition.


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