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Criteria for comparison:

Smaller values of q' result in higher quality images. At equal values of q', it wins over the others by providing predominance of the discontinuity's amplitude over the intensity of noise. We shall restrict ourselves only to consideration of orders q' for different situations. Earlier we introduced the order of touching of a stacking line and a travel-time curve in the case of a wave-field continuation operator. The same definition is valid for an arbitrary IG-operator. If r is the order of touching, then  
q^{'}=q+{1\over r+1}.\end{displaymath} (140)

In order to avoid some uncertainty we shall denote the symbol v for each operator whose action depends on the choice of velocity. (This symbol may mean a scalar value or a function $v({\bf r}),v(t_{0})$ and so on). In particular, we shall write $NMO(v_{st}),{\bf P}^{x}_{w_{0}}(v_{m})$ and ${\bf P}^{s}_{w_{r}}(v_{m})$ (vm-migration velocity, vst-stacking velocity) . If $v_{m} \neq v_{ex}$, then operators ${\bf P}^{x}_{w_{0}}(v_{m}){\bf D}^{k}_{(-)}$ and ${\bf P}^{s}_{w_{r}}(c_{m}){\bf D}^{k}_{(-)}$ do not change the order of discontinuity. So the only reason for the inequality $q^{'}\neq q$ lies in action of operators $\sum_{s}$ and $\sum_{h}NMO(v_{st})$.

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Stanford Exploration Project