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One-layered model

We construct a one-layered model (Figure 5 a) with ocean-bottom geometry. The only sharp interface in the migration velocity is the seabed. Figure 5 b shows the synthetic data. The labels $ d_1$ , $ d_2$ and $ d_3$ correspond to the first, second, and third order events as shown in figure 2 b and c. Note that we used equation 2 to generate the synthetic data. Hence, internal multiples are absent. Figure 5 c shows the migration image $ m_{mig}$ . The migration image is made up of signal $ m_{sig}$ and crosstalk artifacts $ m_{xtalk}$ . In the figure, the label $ A$ indicates spurious reflectors generated by migrating the primary signal ($ d_1$ ) as if it were a multiple. $ B$ is the correct reflector in the image. $ C$ is an artifact generated by migrating the multiple signal ($ d_2$ or $ d_3$ ) as if it were a primary reflection. In equation form, they are denoted as follows:

$\displaystyle m_{mig}$ $\displaystyle =$ $\displaystyle m_{signal} + \left[m_{xtalk}\right] = m_B + \left[m_A+m_C\right]$ (5)
$\displaystyle m_A$ $\displaystyle =$ $\displaystyle {\mathbf L'}_2 {\mathbf d_1} + {\mathbf L'}_3 {\mathbf d_1} + {\mathbf L'}_4 {\mathbf d_1} + ...$  
$\displaystyle m_B$ $\displaystyle =$ $\displaystyle {\mathbf L'}_1 {\mathbf d_1} + {\mathbf L'}_2 {\mathbf d_2} + {\mathbf L'}_3 {\mathbf d_3} + ...$  
$\displaystyle m_C$ $\displaystyle =$ $\displaystyle {\mathbf L'}_1 {\mathbf d_2} + {\mathbf L'}_1 {\mathbf d_3} + {\mathbf L'}_2 {\mathbf d_3} + ...$  

where $ m_A$ , $ m_B$ ,and $ m_C$ correspond to the parts of the image labeled with $ A$ , $ B$ , and $ C$ in Figure 5 c. $ {\mathbf L'}_1$ , $ {\mathbf L'}_2$ , and $ {\mathbf L'}_3$ are migration operators that correspond to different orders of reflection events. Figure 5 d shows the inversion result. Notice that the artifacts are removed from the image. In conventional imaging, if there were residual multiple energy in the data, then artifacts of type $ C$ would show up in the image. Treating those as real signal would negatively affect the interpretation of the sub-surface.

Figure 5.
(a) Original one layered model, (b) synthetic data, (c) migration image and (d) inversion image.
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