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Deducing drained moduli from undrained: Isotropic system with homogeneous grains

Rewriting Gassmann's formula in these terms, I first find that

$\displaystyle K^u = K^d + \frac{(1-K^d/K^g)^2}{1/K_{susp} - K^d/(K^g)^2}.$ (3)

Note that all explicit porosity ($ \phi$) dependence is now imbedded in the modulus $ K_{susp}$. Now if I simply multiply through by the denominator on the right hand side, then I find

$\displaystyle K^u \left(\frac{1}{K_{susp}}-\frac{K^d}{(K^g)^2}\right) = 1 - 2\frac{K^d}{K^g} + \frac{K^d}{K_{susp}}.$ (4)

Also notice that two terms of the form $ (K^d/K^g)^2$ have cancelled from this expression. Once these convenient cancellations have occurred, $ K^d$ appears only linearly in the resulting expression. The equation can therefore be solved immediately for drained modulus $ K^d$ in terms of the undrained modulus $ K^u$ and the other factors that are also assumed to be known (and in fact these other factors are usually easier to measure than either $ K^u$ or $ K^d$). Finally, I obtain:

$\displaystyle K^d = \left(\frac{K^u}{K_{susp}} - 1\right)\left[1/K_{susp} - 2/K^g + K^u/(K^g)^2\right]^{-1}.$ (5)

This result shows that the drained modulus can be deduced from measurements of the undrained modulus, together with knowledge of $ \phi$, $ K_f$, and $ K^g$. Note that this result was first derived by Zhu and McMechan (1990), but apparently published only in an SEG conference proceedings.

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