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Amundsen, L., 1993, Wavenumber-based filtering of marine point-source data: Geophysics, 58, 1335-1348.

Barr, F. J. and J. L. Sanders, 1989, Attenuation of water-column reverations using pressure and velocity detectors in a water-bottom cable: SEG Expanded Abstracts, 59, 653-656.

Rosales, D. A. and A. Guitton, 2004, Ocean-bottom hydrophone and geophone coupling: SEP-Report, 115, 57-70.

Sonneland, L., L. E. Berg, P. Eidsvig, A. Haugen, B. Fotland, and J. Vestby, 1986, 2-d deghosting using vertical receiver arrays: SEG Expanded Abstracts, 5, 516.
