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Linear least-squares modeling/inversion

From the Born approximation of the linearized acoustic wave equation, the synthetic seismic data $ {d}^{s}$ recorded by a receiver at $ {\bf x_{r}}$ due to a shot at $ {\bf x_{s}}$ is given by
$\displaystyle {d}^{s}{(\bf x_{s}, x_{r}, \omega})=\omega^{2} \sum_{\bf x}f_{s}(\omega)G ({\bf x_{s}, x,\omega}) G ({\bf x, x_{r},\omega}) m({\bf x}),$     (A-1)

where $ \omega$ is frequency, $ m{\bf (x)}$ is reflectivity at image points $ {\bf x}$, $ f_{s}(\omega)$ is source waveform, and $ G ({\bf x_{s}, x,\omega})$ and $ G ({\bf x, x_{r},\omega})$ are GreenŐ's functions from $ {\bf x_{s}}$ to $ {\bf x}$ and from $ {\bf x}$ to $ {\bf x_{r}}$ respectively.

Taking the true recorded data at $ {\bf x_{r}}$ to be $ {d}^{t}$, the quadratic cost function is given by

\begin{displaymath}\begin{array}{cc} S({\bf m})=\Vert {d}^{s}{(\bf x_{s}, x_{r},...
... {d}^{t}{(\bf x_{s}, x_{r}, \omega}) \Vert^2_{2}. \end{array}\end{displaymath} (A-2)

As shown by previous authors (Valenciano, 2008; Plessix and Mulder, 2004), the gradient $ {g(x)}$ of this cost function (summed over all frequencies, sources and receivers) with respect to reflectivity is the real part of

$\displaystyle { g({\bf x})}=\sum_{w}\omega^{2} \sum_{\bf x_{s}} \sum_{\bf x_{r}...
... x_{s}, x,\omega}) G ({\bf x, x_{r},\omega}) \left ( {d}^{s} - {d}^{t} \right),$ (A-3)

and the Hessian (second derivatives) is the real part of
$\displaystyle {H} \left ({\bf x}, {\bf x'} \right ) =\sum_{w}\omega^{4} \sum_{\...
\sum_{\bf x_{r}} G ({\bf x, x_{r}, \omega}) \bar G ({\bf x', x_{r}, \omega})
,$     (A-4)

where $ {\bf x'}$ denotes all image points and $ \bar G$ is the complex conjugate of $ G$. Plessix and Mulder (2004) and Valenciano (2008) discuss this derivation in detail.

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