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PEF estimation and Missing data estimation

The missing data estimation algorithm presented here is different from what I presented in the previous paper (Shen, 2008). Missing data are fitted in the $ f$-$ \bf x$ domain to ensure better fitting of known data. Also, the 3D version of these algorithms use helical coordinates (Claerbout, 1999) to perform the convolution.

For PEF estimation, I try to solve the following problem assuming known pyramid data $ \bf {m}$. Denoting convolution with m as operator $ \bf {M}$, with $ {\bf W}$ being a diagonal masking matrix that is $ 1$ where pyramid data can be used for PEF estimation and 0 elsewhere, I try to solve for the unknown PEF $ {\bf a}$ using the following fitting goal(Claerbout, 1999):

$\displaystyle {\bf WM}{\bf a\approx 0, }$ (4)

For missing-data estimation, I start with a known PEF $ \bf A$, and try to solve the following least-squares problem (Claerbout, 1999):

\begin{displaymath}\begin{array}{ll} {\bf K\left(Lm-d\right)\approx 0} \epsilon {\bf WAm}{\bf\approx 0,} \end{array}\end{displaymath} (5)

where $ \bf K$ is a diagonal masking matrix that is $ 1$ where data is known and 0 elsewhere, $ \epsilon$ is a weight coefficient that reflects our confidence in the PEF, and $ \bf {W}$ is the same as explained above.

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