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The regular cube was then datumed to just above the water-bottom to avoid spending migration time on downward continuation through the water layer. Figure 13 shows a comparison of one CMP 3D gather before (left) and after datuming (right). Notice that datuming not only saves propagation time but also allows a significant reduction of the data to be migrated because the offsets decrease as the recording surface is ``moved'' closer to the reflectors, making the positions of sources and receivers closer. Notice also that the holes in both offsets and CMPs have been healed by the propagation.

Figure 13.
Before-after datuming comparison. Panels (a) and (c) correspond to the inline CMP section at CMP-Y=-12.5 m, 150 m inline offset and -25 m crossline offset, before and after datuming, respectively. Panels (b) and (d) correspond to the inline offset gather at CMP-X=8550 m, CMP-Y=-12.5 m and -25 crossline offset, before and after datuming, respectively. Notice that the datuming, besides shifting the data upwards, also healed the holes in the acquisition and reduced the offset coverage.
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