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Alvarez, G. and A. Guitton, 2006, Simultaneous adaptive matching of primaries and multiples with non-stationary filters: SEP, 125, 61-75.

Alvarez, G., B. Biondi, and A. Guitton, 2004, Attenuation of diffracted multiples in angle-domain common-image gathers: 74th Annual International Meeting, SEG, Expanded Abstracts, 1301-1304.

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Artman, B. and K. Matson, 2006, Image-space surface-related multiple prediction: SEP, 125, 47-60.

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Sava, P. and A. Guitton, 2003, Multiple attenuation in the image space: 73rd Annual International Meeting, SEG, Expanded Abstracts, 1933-1936.

Sava, P. and A. Guitton, 2005, Multiple attenuation in the image space: Geophysics, 70, 10-20.


Stanford Exploration Project