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Multiple Attenuation

In this section I examine the difference between the estimate of the multiples and primaries obtained with the Radon transforms computed with both approximations. I use the same ADCIGs from the previous section.

Figure 6
Comparison of the multiple model for the synthetic ADCIG of Figure [*]. Panel (a) shows the multiples obtained with the straight-ray approximation and panel (b) the multiples obtained with the ray-bending approximation.
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Figure 7
Comparison of the primary model for the synthetic ADCIG of Figure [*]. Panel (a) shows the primaries obtained with the straight-ray approximation and panel (b) the primaries obtained with the ray-bending approximation.
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Figure [*] shows the comparison of the multiple model estimated with both transforms for the synthetic data shown in Figure [*]. The better focusing of the multiples in the Radon domain with the ray-bending approximation translates into a slightly better estimate of the multiples, especially at the large aperture angles. Some weak residual primary still leaks into the multiples, although with higher amplitude amplitude with the straight-ray approximation (see the primary at 200 m). Figure [*] shows the comparison of the primary estimates. Again, a better result is obtained with the ray-bending approximation. In particular, less energy from the multiples leaks into the primaries.

Figure [*] shows the comparison of the multiple model for the real dataset of Figure [*]. Notice that again, the new transform [panel (b)], recovers a little better the multiple energy on the large aperture angles, especially above 1000 m. This energy will otherwise leak into the estimate of the primaries. Finally, Figure [*] shows the comparison of the primary estimate with both transforms. Although the two panels look similar, careful examination of the large aperture angles specially above 1000 m shows that the new transform [panel (b)] has recovered the primaries better.

Figure 8
Comparison of the multiple model for the real ADCIG of Figure [*]. Panel (a) shows the multiples obtained with the straight-ray approximation and panel (b) the multiples obtained with the ray-bending approximation.
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Figure 9
Comparison of the primary model for the real ADCIG of Figure [*]. Panel (a) shows the primaries obtained with the straight-ray approximation and panel (b) the primaries obtained with the ray-bending approximation.
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Stanford Exploration Project