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Computation of takeoff angles for diffracted multiple

From Figure [*] we can immediately compute the takeoff angle of the diffracted receiver ray as  
\alpha_r=\tan^{-1}\left[\frac{h_D+m_D-X_{diff}}{Z_{diff}}\right].\end{displaymath} (78)

Figure 26
Sketch showing the geometry of the zero surface half-offset diffracted multiple from a dipping water-bottom.

In this equation the depth of the diffractor is not known, but it can be calculated from the geometry of Figure [*]:  
Z_{diff}=\frac{\tilde{Z}_D}{\cos\varphi}+(X_{diff}-m_D)\tan\varphi\end{displaymath} (79)
As we did for the diffracted multiple from the flat water-bottom, we can use the traveltime of the multiple at the zero surface-offset trace to compute $\tilde{Z}_D$, except that this time the computation is much more involved. Figure [*] shows the basic geometry. From triangle ABC we have  
^2=(2\tilde{Z}_D\cos\varphi+Z_{diff})^2+(2\tilde{Z}_D\sin\varphi+(X_{diff}-m_D))^2,\end{displaymath} (80)
were tr1 is the traveltime of the diffracted segment that, according to triangle DEF in Figure [*] is given by

[V1tr1(0)]2=Zdiff2+(Xdiff-mD)2. (81)

Figure 27
Sketch to compute $\tilde{Z}_D$ in equations 51,  80 and 81.

Replacing equations 79 and 81 into equation 80 gives a quartic equation for $\tilde{Z}_D$ which can be solved numerically. Once $\tilde{Z}_D$ is known, we can easily compute Zdiff with equation 79 and therefore $\alpha_r$ with equation 78 in terms of the known quantities hD, mD, Xdiff and tm(0).

Figure 28
Sketch to compute the takeoff angle of the source ray from a diffracted multiple.

In order to compute $\alpha_s$, we apply the law of sines to triangle ABC in Figure [*] to get  
\sin(\alpha_s+2\varphi)=\frac{2\tilde{Z}_s\sin\varphi+(X_{diff}-m_D+h_D)}{V_1(t_m-t_{r_1})},\end{displaymath} (82)
where $\tilde{Z}_s=\tilde{Z}_D-h_D\sin\varphi$ and V1tr1 is the length of the diffracted receiver ray and is given by  
V_1t_{r_1}=\sqrt{(h_D+m_D-X_{diff})^2+Z_{diff}^2}\end{displaymath} (83)
Therefore, plugging equation 83 into equation 82 we get equation 50:
 ...V_1t_m-\sqrt{(h_D+m_D-X_{diff})^2+Z_{diff}^2}}\right]-2\varphi.\end{displaymath} (84)


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