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Operators and combination operators

When it comes to writing an object oriented conjugate gradient based inversion library there are two schools of thought. One is a Bayesian approach that correlates vectors with their decorrelators. In the Bayesian approach, Harlan (2004a,b) being one example, an inverse covariance function is associated with each vector. The approach taken in this library, and the approach taken by Gockenbach and Symes (1999) among others, think more in terms of operators. Operators know the space that their domain and range vectors reside in. For this library I took the latter approach. My decision was based more on code complexity issue more than anything else. When building complex inversion operators, the programmer has to be much more careful if the component operators do not know the space of their domain and range vectors.

The abstract class SEP.operator.operator is initialized with a string descriptor, domain vector, and a range vectors. The space these vectors exist in are stored in the operator. The operator has several additional functions.

Initialize the operator.
Return an ASCII string describing the operator given the current iteration. This will be used to keep track of the progress of the inversion.
Run the forward operation possibly by adding to the data, and with the ability to signify a restart of the operation.
Run the adjoint operation possibly by adding to the model, and with the ability to signify a restart of the operation.
A function to check to make sure the domain and range vector conform to the domain and range vectors with which the operator was initialized.
A wrapper for running the forward operation. The additional status and iter parameters are used to record the starting and finished of forward operation to enable restarting.
The same idea as the forward function, this time for wrapping the adjoint operation.

To build more complex operations there are two component operator classes
SEP.vector.chain and SEP.vector.array. Both of the complex operators are initialized by a string descriptor and an array of operators. The SEP.vector.chain chains two operators, an example is the preconditioning problem,
\bf d&\approx&\bf L\bf S\bf p\\ \bf 0&\approx&\epsilon \bf p\nonumber,\end{eqnarray} (2)
where $\bf S$ is the preconditioning operator and $\bf p$ is a vector in the domain of $\bf S$. In this case SEP.vector.chain would be formed from $\bf L$ and $\bf S$.A condition of forming this operator is that the range vector of operator i must exist in the same space as the domain vector of i+1. When this operator is initialized it will automatically create all of the intermediate spaces. The other class, SEP.vector.array creates a new operator which is a matrix of existing operators. For examples we can think of the regularization inverse problem in terms of the matrices,
\bf d\\ \bf 0\end{array}\right)
 ...\bf L\\ \epsilon \bf A\end{array}\right)
\bf m
\right) .\end{displaymath} (3)
The SEP.vector.array is initialized by the array of operators and the number of collums and rows in the new array operator. In forming the operator the library makes sure that all of the domain and range vectors make sense (for the regularization problem the domain of $\bf L$ and $\bf A$ must be the same. From these two building blocks any inverse problem can be described.

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