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Ocean-bottom cable acquisition results in a receiver ghost problem. An operational method to solve this problem is to use paired hydrophone and geophone detectors. Combining the hydrophone and geophone takes the advantage of the fact that the two types of detectors generate signals of the same polarity for the upcoming wavefield, and opposite polarity for the downgoing wavefield Barr and Sanders (1989); Gal'perin (1974); Soubaras (1996). The main challenge of this method is that the hydrophone and geophone must be properly calibrated to produce a deghosted output.

Barr and Sanders (1989) propose a technique in the time domain that calibrates the geophone measurement and eliminates the ghost reflection in one simple step. According to Soubaras (1996), however, the geophone calibration and the deghosting process must be done separately. He proposes a method in the frequency domain to separately calibrate the geophone measurement and eliminate the receiver ghost.

A 2D line over the Mahogany field in the Gulf of Mexico helps to test both of these approaches. First, we present a pre-processing technique over this 2D line. We present two methods of combining the hydrophone and geophone components and use the results to obtain preliminary estimates of the P velocity field for this dataset.

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Stanford Exploration Project