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Linear forward operator $({\bf L})$

Since in the conventional surface seismic experiment, geophones are located only at the surface, the data is the receiver wavefield at z=0. This can be represented in equation (9) as a truncation operation (transpose of zero padding ${\bf Z}$):  
{\bf d}= {\bf Z}^t{\bf P}^-={\bf Z}^t{\bf B}^-{\bf P}^+\, \Sigma^t_{\omega s} \, {\bf r}.

\end{displaymath} (11)
Then the expression for linear shot-profile modeling one-way wave equation operator is  
{\bf L}= {\bf Z}^t{\bf B}^-{\bf P}^+\, \Sigma^t_{\omega s},

\end{displaymath} (12)
a chain of linear operators.

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Stanford Exploration Project