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Offset-to-angle transformation

In 2-D, the offset-to-angle transformation is done with the relation  
\tan \gamma=-\frac{k_{h}}{k_z},\end{displaymath} (1)
where $\gamma$ is the aperture angle of the reflection, kh is the offset wavenumber associated with the subsurface horizontal offset, and kz is the vertical wavenumber. Tisserant and Biondi (2003) presented a 3-D generalization of Equation 1:
\tan \gamma &=&-\frac{k_{h_x}'}
 ...y} &=&-\frac{ k_{m_y}' k'_{m_x} k'_{h_x} }
 { k_z^2 + k_{m_y}'^2 }\end{eqnarray} (2)
where ${\bold k_m}$ and boldk_h are the midpoint and offset vector wavenumber, respectively, and where the reflection azimuth, $\beta$, is introduced through
k'_{m_x}&=&\cos \beta k_{m_x} - \sin \beta k_{m_y} \\ k'_{m_y}&...
 ...eta k_{h_y} \\ k'_{h_y}&=&\cos \beta k_{h_x} + \sin \beta k_{h_y}.\end{eqnarray} (4)
The offset-to-angle transforms a (kz,kmx,kmy,khx,khy) five dimensions cube into another 5-D one $(k_z,k_{m_x},k_{m_y},\gamma,\delta)$.Figure [*] is the measured aperture-azimuth distribution for the configuration displayed in Figure [*] obtained with ray-tracing. We set the lower boundary in $\gamma$ because of an increased incertitude in the estimation of $\beta$ as $\gamma$ gets close to . The upper boundary in $\gamma$ is reached when one of the two rays begins to overturn.

Figure 2
$\gamma-\beta$ distribution corresponding to Figure [*]

We now present a more complex 3-D extension: the one addressing the 3-D full prestack migration with a wrong migration velocity.

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Stanford Exploration Project