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PP results

Figure [*] shows the migration result. Figure [*] shows three angle gathers. Observe the residual moveout in these angle gathers. This indicates errors in the velocity model.

Figure 1
PP migration result with the original P-velocity model
view burn build edit restore

Figure 2
Three angle domain common image gathers for the migration result of Figure [*]. They corresponds, from left to right, to a lateral position of 2500m, 4500m and 6500m. Observe the residual curvature.
[*] view burn build edit restore

I perform Stolt residual migration () over this migration result. There is not a single value of $\rho_p$ that fixes the whole section. Figure [*] shows the same three angle domain common image gathers, as in Figure [*]. Moreover, each angle domain common image gather corresponds to a different value of $\rho_p$, from left to right, $\rho_p=0.98$ $\rho_p=0.99$ and $\rho_p=1.02$. Note how different events correct better for different $\rho_p$ values.

Figure 3
Angle domain common image gathers after Stolt residual migration. They corresponds to the same position as the angle gathers in Figure [*]. Moreover, from left to right they also correspond to $\rho_p=0.98$ $\rho_p=0.99$ and $\rho_p=1.02$
[*] view burn build edit restore

By updating the velocity model with different $\rho_p$ values at different depths and lateral positions, I perform a new migration. Figure [*] shows this final migration result. Figure [*] shows again the same different angle domain common image gathers for the migration result of Figure [*].

Figure 4
Migration result after updating the P velocity model with different values of $\rho_p$ at different depth and lateral locations.
[*] view burn build edit restore

Figure 5
Angle domain common image gathers for the migration result of Figure [*] at the same position of Figure [*].
[*] view burn build edit restore

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Stanford Exploration Project